Dritz Package of 35 Flexi-Needle Threaders - For Hand & Machine Needles

Dritz Package of 35 Flexi-Needle Threaders - For Hand & Machine Needles

Dritz Seam Ripper & Threader Sewing Tool Set 609

Dritz Seam Ripper & Threader Sewing Tool Set 609

Availability: In Stock
Sku: D248

Dritz Needle Threader/Cutter


Dritz Needle Threader with Cutter.

Lightweight and easy to use, this needle threader is a great addition to your sewing kit. The combination of threader and cutter in one efficient tool makes it a useful accessory for your sewing projects. It features a wired end that lets you quickly thread the needle, while a recessed cutter protects your fingers as you cut the thread.


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